petroexplorer an loser and a fraud and a LIAR! LOLFirst why he is wrong...LOL
not sure why he makes up 16 Mmb of reserves at Bauer... I think that was a years old number... I am sure the actual now is 20 Million in my opinion and most probably more than that. Bauer has out performed all projections as Beach has stated time and again... also his 75% recovery... well yes that was about the third projection from Beach... every time it has gone up based on the performance of the field and I again think it is now 80%-85% LOL
now, reseves... well this dummie does not know but Beach has the reserves, they do not share that info in detail with NWX or any other company for that matter... Beach, however does put out its own reserve numbers and if you can, you can use those to figure out what NWX has... NWX has no techincal info on the fields... that is info beach has.. this guy has no clue about what a GORR is...LOL
this is funny.... he states he 'found; this website about Bauer...LOL the link was posted on this board... he found it by reading this board... and he claims he "found" it? are you kiddin us... what a liar...LOL too funny to claim he found something that we have posted on this board for him to FIND! Great work Sherlooke, must have been some of your best dd huh? LOL
Now, we also know this dummie owns TBE shares and debs... both are now worthless, not trading.... if he knew so much as he wants us to think... remember he FOUND this link...LOL... if so smart why own TBE and lose every epnny... dummie...LOL
so now he worries about Bauer... well he is wrong about the reserves and life cycle there.... I say we have produced about half the oil... so now we go into a long flat decline profile... if we only have produced half the oil... we sure got a ,lot more to look forward too, HUH??? yep now the field will produce for much longer than his 4 years...LOL a field does not flow full flush production until the day it dies... the field will go from 11000 per day to maybe 8000 bopd... then in few years 5000 bopd and then maybe 3000 bopd for a decade... all the while Beach finds new fields, several in the last year.... these will flow thru the upgraded, enlarged fluid handling at Bauer... Beach did not increse capacity at Bauer cause they knew Bauer was winding down...LOL That increase in capacity at Bauer is to handle new oil from these new finds... as well as increased water at Bauer as some wells will produce more water, especially those at the field edge. Beach knows a bit more than this dummie.... Beach is increasing capacity at Bauer... I doubt it is being done in anticipation of serious decline at Bauer...LOL that would be strange thinking... LOL... hey petroexplorer must think that... dummie huh? LOL
so why the hell is Beach increasing capacity at Bauer if the Bauer field is in this huge dead end spiral downward? cause it simply ain't so... this dummie is so dumb he asks why he cannot find a reserve reprt at NWX...LOL.... you cannot find one cause there is none... NWX owns a royalty on production they do not own any part of any field... you dimwit...LOL
no wonder he owns TBE and lost every single penny... he is a complete uneducated fool, a proven loser, a proven liar...LOL
I laugh at these dummies from TBE board... he lost every penny so got nothing to do? LOL