GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
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oilconsultanton Nov 26, 2016 1:05pm
Post# 25517081
oldfart, another silly wanna be ...LOL Oldfool...LOL
oldfart, another silly wanna be ...LOL Oldfool...LOLwhat a riot this clown is...LOL
he says he had these tremendous career in the energy bizz, yet his posts show otherwise... he has excuses galore, he didn't know the different royalties..LOL... he insisted TB E was finding a buyer... the fool is a bone head,...LOL
what a laugh he is, like burger and scottie and petroexplorer these goofs that lost so much here... none of them have a clue...LOL
he talked about a lawsuit involved in NWX not puttiing out a reserve report! What? tell us fool... what litigation is that? I know NWX, there is no litigation and certainly none that would stop a reserve report...LOL
you old fool.... yes a better name is oldfool...LOL
so lets see.... litigation stops the report... did not know the different roylties, says tbe finds a buyer, now says NWX will put out a reserve report, when they have the info????? wow what a pile of dummie pooh from the oldfool...LOL
you are a riot oldfool.... a stupid dummie fool... lots of excuses and double talk trying to squim after I made a fool of you...LOL
my advice, shut up, cause you know nothing about the oil biiz... you oldfool...LOL
nwx does not do a reserve report... they own no reserves you moron.... why would they put out a report on nothing>?
my gawd what an idiot.... you could NEVER had had anything to do with reserve reports you liar...
this board is chock full of idiots like oldfool...LOL
nothing like an oldfool to make me laugh...LOL