RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:another fantastic close1troffer wrote: DonDonkey wrote: 1troffer wrote:
tracker11 wrote: Hey bud...
I get pppisssed off because I see the value of this company going down the tubes and my money along with it, so I get frustrated and post my feelings.
You post exhuberance. Why? By how you post you obviously don't own shares and by the looks of it do not intend on buying.
Do us all a favour and PFO
Why are you so quick to defend blue and attack everyone else troffer?
Because he is one of the few on this site that doesn't pump the living shyt out of botox. He doesn't wear the same polyanna rose colored , see no evil, glasses that the rest of you do. Reading SPLOOGECO AND BAGODONUTMYGODBAGOISAHOLE INCESSANT continuous garbage and Splooges diddler commentary is annoying to say the least. Reading deepblue and hr2 along with johnnys posts, at least there are some people with brains
Hey thanks Troffer ! I know what you are saying though... Even if oil completely tanks there will be some people still holding BTE saying how great it is... I think its better to play the trends, oils bullish buy BTE, oils negative (say the OPEC deal doesnt happen) then sell all holdings... I mean why on earth would anyone hold it going down the toilet? Its like when Chief and Patenright continually said buy it buy it buy it all the way from $23 down... I said its going to $2 and got crucified for my comments, and was still attacked even after it went to $2 and started heading higher.... There are some real "special" people that post on this board, I mostly just read now... not much point in posting anymore.