In '96 it was explored and ready to roll at $600 gold...
"The last work project carried out underground was done by Athabaska Minerals from 1994-1996. At the time the mill and ancillary infrastructures were intact and Athabaska estimated that approx. $7-8M in total would be required to resume gold production. According to records approximately $3.5M was raised for drilling, drifting and defining high grade targets that could be economically mined at that time. Gold prices had declined from the $600 dollar range when Athabaska funded development its program in 1993, to below the $300 by 1996, which prevented Athabaska from executing that plan. The Company is now the benefactor of their underground development and drill data, as well as historic data from the Carolin Mine, which includes over 40,000 meters of drill data in total. Low-cost exploration, such as interpretation of historic geological data, mapping and sampling have helped to identify new targets for exploration and will allow us to focus on identifying higher grade areas"