RE:OT, Alexandria Minerals To Partner With Probe Metals ! If asked if Integra has done their DD on parts of AZX western Cadillac Break property, there's no doubt they have, with probable follow-up board discussions. If Integra were to engage in a JV on the property, they would have to see IMO an upside potential equal to, or greater than that of the GRC targets.
With AZX looking for funding from JV partners, and Integra looking for every economica ounce in the ground to feed the mill, all it would take is Herve's backing for a deal to be made. Mill capacity is no problem with a current 2400 tpd run, add a Sag Mill = 5000 tpd, add a Rod Mill to that = 6000 tpd.
Looking forward to, and all IMO:
Q1 PEA showing around 120K over 10 years with a before tax NPV of US$550M- US$600M
Q1 RE with 105 K+ meters, infill (70%) and step-out (30%) = 700K indicated - 950K inferred = 1.65 M ounces
Q1 LD, and GRC first round of assays indicating the potential of substantial resource growth
Q2 & Q3 bulk sampling showing better than expected results
Early 2017, the how's & means of funding Integra's aggressive full agenda