GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
Post by
oilconsultanton Dec 02, 2016 3:04pm
Post# 25548196
oldfart? oldfool...LOL
oldfart? oldfool...LOLwhat a joke... this fool keeps saying he worked in the patch... lots of experiences...LOL
then I make an idiot out of him when he posts nonsense about what a GORR is.... the idiot was all wrong, out to lunch... LOL
man this guy knows nothing about the oil patch,. he is a wanna be.... what a laugh...
come on man, you are an idiot, a know nothing fool...
shall I make you look the fool... again...LOL I will, I shall make any posts you make look stupid,, like the last one about your experience... nonsesne... you did not even know what a GORR is... or can be... you insisted beacuse one company puts out a reserve report on their GORR nwx should also, when in fact two entirely different situations and you insisted and insisted... so I posted the info and made you look like the fool you are...LOL
you might be an oldfart but you definetly are an old fool...LOL