GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
Post by
oilconsultanton Dec 04, 2016 1:48pm
Post# 25552315
hey petroexplorer....LOL
hey petroexplorer....LOLwhy is the shell worth something...?
it is encumbered with cease trading order... huge float, legal issues...LOL
easy to start a new shell , a clean shell.... there is no value here at all.... you silly turnip...LOL
did ya not read the reserve reports here? or did you not understand them? only a dope would have held this stock as they wrote down all the reserves, lost money every qtr... did not drill for years... believing the value on the companies navps is pretty dumb.... it is inflated and in no way is market value you silly uneducated turnip...LOL that catchs dummie and newbies all the time... maybe you will learn a bit... but you really need to learn a lot and I doubt that will happen in your life...LOL
man are you a big dummie... a real, big dummie.... no wonder you lost every penny here.... you really are a BIG OLD