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Sunvault Energy Inc SVLT

Sunvault Energy, Inc. is a Canada-based company, which operates as a provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and networked EV charging services. It partners with convenient stores, grocery stores, residential and commercial real estate landlords to offer EV charging equipment at their premises to enable EV drivers to recharge at those locations. Its principal line of products and services is its EV charging networks, including the Sunvault E and Sunvault Energy EV charging equipment, which it leases from third party vendors. The Sunvault provides property owners, managers, parking companies, and state and municipal entities (Property Partners) with EV charging stations that make it convenient for EV users. It primarily operates in the County of Los Angeles. It is also focused on installing EV charge-stations on their premises.

OTCPK:SVLT - Post by User

Post by tirouge1on Dec 08, 2016 12:42pm
Post# 25572271

HA...HA...HA...! .06/SH...!

HA...HA...HA...! .06/SH...!CAPITULATION...!



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