Very interesting point. If they do look at it as a statin they haven't dug very deep and they have not explored what is perhaps an interaction or synergy with rosuvastatin (Crestor) based on the post hoc analysis of the ASSURE/SUSTAIN trials. That is one of the reasons I am long on RVX. BETonMACE (3 point) may or may not prove it. It may fail and things will change dramatically but I believe at the end of the scientific trail there will be a valuable payout one way or the other in the area of epigenetics.
One thing we know for sure is that the target population(CVD, diabetes mellitus and low HDL) for apabetalone is large and growing rapidly in the USA and Asia. So the market is there. Let's hope people keep eating MacDonalds fries and putting on the pounds and not exercising and if apebetalone succeeds in BETonMACE I'll be eating my Mediterranian diet and jogging and having a reasonable old age.
Well that was a cynical statement by me. I really don't wish that! The market is huge as it is.
From what I understand statins reduce LDL. Apebetalone (rvx-208) increases functional Apoa-l, a key component of HDL, good cholesterol i.e. not a statin.
I'm getting in the Christmas spirit but I don't expect a gift from Don.