MINE Bosilegrad the site at Bora - the first investment in mining that might come to life within Serbia after almost half a century. After that, in the process of investigations and cave kryptonite near Loznica and mine lithium minerals near Baljevac.

These are the first four mines that could be opened in Serbia in the next five to seven years, and the state budget should inject five billion dollars investment. Investors are mostly foreigners, and the gold diggers, jadarite, lithium ...

While the new pits largely prepared for excavation, old mines owned by the state are in a constant process of restructuring, problem ownership structures, while some even - rent for a month.

The British company "Mineko limited" announced the opening of a new lead and zinc mine in Serbia, near Bosilegrad. This firm in this municipality in Pinja District with partners conducted research lead and zinc from 2010. The initial studies have shown that there is sufficient ore to open the mine "Bosil - metal".

- The study is stamped on 1,700,000 tons of proven ore, and it turned out that this is an area rich with lead-zinc ore in the presence of copper. The opening of the mine, if all goes according to plan, it is planned for 2018 - announced from "Mineka".

As for the gold with Bora are concerned, the Cukaru baking was discovered 65 million tons of ore with average copper content of 2.6 percent per ton and gold content of 1.5 grams. It is estimated that out of this ore can get 1.7 million tons of copper and 98 tons of gold. The deadline for the opening of this mine is mentioned in 2022.

When the government caves in, the situation is different because most mines financial standing bad.

- The restructuring of the mine underground coal mining has been done a lot - says Milorad Panovi, President of the Trade Union of Chemistry, Non-Metals, Energy and Mining "Independence". - What's mine nonferrous metals are concerned, the largest gold mine "Lece" is ambiguous status, because it is privatized Miroslav Bogicevic. The company from Dubai received a lease, and the state they extended it - for a month. Just last year unearthed the gold to the value of EUR 50 million from this mine.

One of the oldest mines in the country threaten - padlocks. Two mine, "Vrka owl" and "Bogovina", the first of four mines in the PE "Resavica" that will be closed, and most likely in February next year. On that list are "Jasenovac" and "Ibar mines".

For the cost of closing the mine, and the budget for the 2017.predvieno 5.07 billion for subsidies in the "Resavica", instead of 4.47, as far as the mines in previous years received.

- Funds in the amount of 600 million dinars are intended for the implementation of the first phase of the closure of mines, excavation reserves and withdrawal of equipment from the mine, in accordance with the Plan of reorganization and financial consolidation "Resavica" - stands in the budget for 2017.

However, it is still unclear how exactly to solve the fate of 1,200 workers, who will be a surplus.

- Coal can not be closed overnight - says Goran Nikolic of the union workers' Resavica ". - The deadline is March 1 to start the process of closing, but we asked him to take, depending on the drive, and up to three years. The question is whether we will allow it. Meanwhile, workers in manufacturing will probably move to other caves, it was envisaged that from "Resavica" went around 1,000 people working in the administration. By 31 March 2017, should be made a social program for these people.

OPPORTUNITY kryptonite

Loznica at the end of November received information center where those interested can inquire about investing in jadarite, a unique mineral that is found in 2004 in this area.

A mineral that is composed of lithium and boron, which are widely used in industry, 12 years ago, geologists have found a private company "Rio Tinto", a daughter company "Rio Tinto Group". In the course of the investigation activities, of which Serbia will by the end of 2017 directly receive $ 20 million. "Rio Tinto" is planning to build the mine begins 2019th

If the project develops, citizens of Loznica can provide vi