59. On August 12, 2016, Concordia released a 6-K discussing its Q2 2016 results, signed by Defendant Thompson. The Company filed its “Management’s Discussion and Analysis” (“MD&A)” as Exhibit 99.2 to the 6-K. In the MD&A, Concordia announced that Donnatal sales declined 31% in Q2 2016 compared to Q2 of 2015. The Company blamed this decline on “lower product demand as a result of competitive pressures.” The filing makes no mention of the firing of the contracted Ashfield Donnatal sales force on May 13, 2016.
60. During an earnings conference call held that same day, August 12, 2016 (“August 12 Conference Call”), Defendants cited declining Donnatal sales as a main reason for taking a $567 million impairment, cancelling a planned dividend of $0.75, and lowering Concordia’s 2016 revenue forecast. Defendant Borkowski cited “competition within the therapeutic class” for “adjunctive treatment for irritable bowel syndrome”19 as the reason for declining Donnatal sales. Once again, Defendants omitted that they caused Ashfield to fire 75-80 Donnatal salespersons on May 13, 2016.
61. In fact, there was no increased “competition within the “therapeutic class,” and certainly not for “adjunctive treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.” Donnatal is in the therapeutic class “Belladonna Alkaloids” and/or “Antispasmodics and GI Motility.” According to the National Institutes of Health’s website, “DailyMed,” which lists all drugs marketed in the United States, as well as the date on which marketing began, no Donnatal equivalents were introduced to the market in either 2015 or 2016. Other treatments for irritable bowel syndrome,
19 Adjunctive treatment is “an additional substance, treatment or procedure used for increasing the efficacy or safety of the primary substance, treatment, or procedure or for facilitating its performance. See https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/adjunctive.such as Xifaxan, are neither “Belladonna Alkaloids” nor “Antispasmodics and GI Motility,” instead falling into the therapeutic class of “Anti-infectives.” Nor are they adjunctive treatments