Aleksandar Vucic (photo: Mc.rs) |
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vui says that Serbia has economic stability and that the question of whether the central government budget will be in deficit, as planned.
- Never in December, we had no more money in the budget, despite the fact that he paid the debt of Petrohemija 105 million and investments in military equipment, weapons and military industry - Vucic said at the conference "The Economist: The World in 2017" in the Assembly Serbia.
According to him, the general government deficit at the end of this year will be around 1.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) and would be 0.8% if it were not such payments. - The most difficult loans have been replaced by those with a lower interest rate, banks that did not want to accept it, we paid their debts in full, and now what do we have to go back We will be returning with a coupon of 3% - said the Prime Minister.
Estimated that it will be a challenge for Serbia in the coming year achieve the planned economic growth, because to influence events in the world, especially the decision strongest economies. He explained also that the US Fed has increased by just 1% benchmark interest rate, while the dollar strengthened and our debt is immediately increased to EUR 80 million.
Vui expects that Serbia will successfully pass the audit of the International Monetary Fund, with which it has an agreement, and stated that this institution now has only one objection relating to Srbijagas which will be the next few days to talk with the director. He added that the IMF has accepted the government's plan for RTB Bor and Resavica.
Serbian Prime Minister said that by the end of the year will be a lot of changes at the helm of public companies.