Boleras Metallurgy NFG, As ExpectedSame as early oxide zonwe work at La Pitarrilla. The following was from 2008. Now they need to get going of the deeper prospects.
Metallurgical studies are continuing at La Pitarr
illa. Preliminary studies have shown that the
metallurgy varies between
the five known zones of oxide mi
neralization because the silver
occurs in both oxides and
silicates. Consequently, processes th
at are effective for silver recovery
in one section of a zone are not as effective in
another section of the sa
me zone. Accordingly, a
detailed evaluation of the mineralogy of the oxidi
zed ore is ongoing. The sulphide ore has to date
only been encountered at Breccia Ridge and ear
ly work suggests that
it responds well to
conventional flotation and cyanidation treatme
nt (McCrea 2007 - Silver Standard, 2006, pers.
comm.). Advanced metallurgical studies of th
e sulphide mineralization are ongoing at G&T
Metallurgical Laboratories in Kamloops, B.C.
This program includes process optimization, a
pilot plant study as well as extens
ive deposit variability test work.