Conference call....After listening to the call, I have some questions that the experts on this blog can probably answer. 1-What is the current world consumption of copper? 2-What is the world projected consumption of copper say five years from now? 3-What is China's consumption of copper and their projected consumption five years from now?......What is the current world production of copper and the projected production of copper five years from now? The reason I ask these questions is the following. This discovery is so big that it could cause an over supply and out strip world demand. The other copper miners around the world are not going away. And I know of several from Hudbay , Rio Tinto and Antofagasta that are bringing on large tonnage deposits from the Andes to the Northern Rockies about the same time as our deposits come on line. The other deposits in the copper belt will be coming on line also at the same time.....Over supply outstripping demand leads to one thing-depressed copper prices-Not good for any of us.