RE:Does anyone know what levels of gross profit they mean?The company has already said in a press release and on earnings calls they are to pay the first payment of 72 million BDP
BY Monday December 19th. Many M&A pharma deals are structured so that the performance payment is really just a deferral of part of the purchase price (for tax reasons) and set the performance target correspondingly low. It appears this was the case and also rememeber that the internaitonal segment was the shining star before The times published the price gouging articles which wasn't until June. In the company's press release in October, the management has acknowledged that the full earn-out payment is due and interest on deferring a portion of the payment to Februrary1 2017 which really only gives them another five weeks to pay the whole amount.
Rookie89 wrote: "An earn-out payment of up to US$220 million may be payable to the sellers of AMCo in 2016 should the AMCo group of companies achieve certain levels of gross profit over a period of 12 months from October 1, 2015. This payment will not be made should the AMCo group not achieve the specified targets."