No Price MovementGet all of your friends and relatives to put a few bucks into Ivanhoe. I know that my friends think mines are holes in the ground owned by liars. This may be true for the most part, but Robert Friedland is not cut from the same cloth. He has been serially successful in dicovering and putting into production several of the largest, highest grade deposits in the world,(Voiseys Bay and Olgo Tolgoi). When it comes to rating a mining promoter-you ask- Is there a chance that there really is a viable mineral deposit? Secondly you ask- does this guy have skin in the game? Thirdly you ask youself-what happens if this project is successful-what are both the upside and the downside risks?
To my mind the recent PEA on Kamoa/Kakula PEA (now described as obsolete even as the ink is drying) being replaced by a new Kakula PEA which will show a phenominal IRR as an 8 or 12M illion annual tonne operation. There will be no share dilution as the development will be funded by debt at low interest rates and will be in production within two years with a payback period of about two years. When you add in Kipushi, which will also be in production in about 18 months with Platfeef which will also enter production in about 2019-the downside is really not there and the upside is fantastic. You will be buying twenty dollar bills for less than $3.00 and if someone would be prepared to buy a three yearGIC with a 3% coupon there is really no reason not to put some of this money into the best mineral development company in the world where the potential return is really worthwhile and will either be bought out at some multiple or become a significant dividend payer..