RE:Spin-offThis drop from .30 was expected. Company split assets, so once the NHS value were removed, the NF share price dropped to reflect the loss. If NF was .07 not too long ago for both sides of the operation, and now is only one side, what makes you think it won't go lower? Starting revenues will help support the new price, but don't fool yourselves to think it can't go back below .07 without any substantial news.
madeinhemlo wrote: I have not seen any discussion on the spin off that will occur at the end of the month. Will we see a price on the new corp.? And will NF drop in price to reclect this development. I'd like to see what is going to happen. I tend to think the price drop from the recent high sucked about 1/2 of the value because it seemed to happen shortly after the announcement. Eoither way, I thin k the shareholdeers will be well rewarded. Any thoughts?