DPI market to be worth $2 Bilion by 2016...LOLTuesday, April 24, 2012 [Infonetics]: Huawei and Sandvine Led the DPI Market in 2011 Shira Levine, directing analyst for next gen OSS and policy, Infonetics Research updated its Service Provider Deep Packet Inspection Products report, stating that "product revenue grew 29% to over $470 million worldwide in 2011" and forecasting that " the service provider DPI market to grow to $2.0 billion in 2016, with the bulk of the growth coming from the mobile space". Infonetics previous report forecasted a market size of $1.6B for 2015 (here). A year ago, the forecast was $2.1B for 2015 (here). Ahh all those pipe dreams from the 2011 AGM...right Johnny K ...where the company would be...LOL