RE:Don't like thisWhat's not to like? The courts have stated that in R&D cannot incumber any IP past, present or future without PHO authorization. The "Judgement" of court orders has 18 points and none of which gives R&D any direct ownership of the IP and ensures PHO can and will continue to serve current, past and future clients ustlizing all IP, lab data and firmware and work R&D performend for PHO. I'd post the actual ruling but you have to pay the courts for it so I suspect they would not approve of it being shared here. it's $6 to view it. The futher judgements are related to payments. Both parties were to negoatiate payments of fees etc arising from the 2013 amendment onward. It seems to imply that R&D will have to repay a porportion of the royalties and PHO will seek dammages inclusive to legal costs. An injunction of relief against these payments sought after by R&D was denied. Meaning R&D sought protection against paying fees back to PHO which has been denied. It seems clear to me based on the judgement that PHO is golden with resppect to the IP and business will continue as usual. There will be some form of restution from R&D regarding the increased royalty arising from the 2013 ademdum and potentially some if not all legal fees incurred by PHO to bring this action against R&D. Which could be multi millions .. Great news in my book..