GREY:TMPHF - Post by User
Comment by
Ikaruson Dec 21, 2016 8:02pm
Post# 25632821
RE:Post Rights Offering
RE:Post Rights OfferingSure yeah, come July/'17, .40 pretty easily baked in the cake here.
This last tranch was not enough... two more easy in 2017. You should only be holding 1/3 of your prospective final position IMHO at this point - even then, I'd suggest splitting commons with debs.
Lots of debt on these books, which I've previously pointed out.
As far as insiders... they too have to follow the bouncing ball of dillution, and that wasn't impressive at all.
Whatever with the 90% subscription, base was 95%. Personally, I didn't care - immediately liquidated at .05 per rights last month, then re-purchased in TFSA. My taxable account can go to hell in a handbasket - the anti-dillution supplement goes in my TFSA. Play smart. :)