RE:RE:RE:What's that smell?Confusedd wrote: Days like today I feel like saying fcyk this garbage last Thursday she dropped to 6.34 when oil dropped to 50. Now we're at 53 oil and this is doing is slow downward dog. Way this is going oil will need to hit 100 before we see 10$ lol. At least most oil stocks are getting nailed today not just this
People are starting to get impatient with BTE, so maybe a good sign. I like being long here at 1/8th of 5 year high/$100 oil days. Excellent prospects to claw back to 1/4 or 1/3 one day. No control over when that day might be, next year, 2021, who knows. But even if it takes 5 years, the average annual return will be fantastic. Even if it sits at current price for 5 years, I'll still have a GIC level return. Not everything has to work, just some things have to work - hello TECK.B and ECA. Maybe I get a big win here maybe I don't, but I am staying in the game.