GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
Comment by
oilconsultanton Jan 03, 2017 5:50pm
Post# 25663656
RE:RE:Twin Butte Has a Good Well: 300 bopd IP is Something
RE:RE:Twin Butte Has a Good Well: 300 bopd IP is Somethingwhy does this petroexplorer fail to acknowledge that well is in serious decline.... in one year it is down over 50%! that is clear to anyone the well is in contact with an already drilled well... so the well is simply a second string into an already producing pool. All TBE has done is put two bores into one pool... they found nothing new, they simply drilled into a already producing pool.... that is a giant waste of money to drill two wells in such close proximity. they added a second well when one well would drain that pool... that is stupid, poor geology and very poor production practise. that is why no one cares, anyone with the knowledge knows what they have done, it adds no value... it just accelerates the oil production but it costs them twice as much to produce that pool... a very bad practise that only an idiot like petroexlorer would toute...LOL
what a fool petroexplorer is, a know nothing dummie....
the well is down over 50% in under a year.... big decline... yet he does not mention that...LOL what a pumper... what an idiot... no wonder the dummies lost every penny on his one and only stock...LOL
hil;arious how dumb petroexplorer is, hilarious...LOL
I alugh and laugh.... and laugh some more at his utter stupidity...LOL