RE:Bombardier Runstarsearcher40 wrote: Someone here mentioned that they were taking some profits, showing a healthy gain from some previous early buy. Personally, I think that's a mistake. It really doesn't matter where you initially bought. The only consideration should be "where do you think the stock is heading". To factor in your gain (or loss as the case may be) into current thinking, torques real-time and/or forward thinking. Again, where it's going is what matters, and should be the focus.
Best to all in this stock. See you up in the $2.80 range.
I don't make predictions. I think the company has chances and could be $10 one day, but I am not predicting that. It also has bankruptcy chances. I am not predicting that either.
No, I calibrate when to sell based upon weighting in portfolio. BBD.B is in my "around 10%" class with 5 other friends. It is currently around 8%. All else being equal, somewhere around $3.50 or $4 it will be around 12 or 13% and will be trimmed back to near 10% again.
I aim for letting someone have the first 20%, someone else the last 20%, and try to harvest the 60% in the middle. Last year with TECK.B, I failed and so far only got the middle 50% or so. If it gets to $40, I'll only get about the middle 40% in the fullness of time. Some failure though LOL. It would only be 40% of a 10 bagger.
Same with BBD.B. If I only get 40% of the $8 between my ACB and it's eventual SP in double digits some years out, I'll be happy, happy, happy with my 1/3 million dollar gain.
The key metric of my investing is the 10+ year CAGR, currently at about 11%. It would be fun to say that I rode BBD.B on all my shares all the way to $10, but can I really have 30% of the portfolio in one stock to do it? No I keep my eye on the CAGR ball. Don't care which stock at which time drives the number, just give me the number, in the long term. No predictions needed.