Still sitting with a profit over 400,000 and waitingI have been buying THE BOMBER UNDER 1.00 over a dollar 1.14 1.20 1.2172
1.33-1.3736-1.45-1.52-1.6819-1.8591-1.87 and etc-
I sold 25000 at 2.54 and still hold over several hundred thousand shares-i have been a believer in The BOMBER even in very difficult times-gee only two years ago there were talks of the company going under-and today we have turned the corner and THE CSERIES is up and flying with rave reviews-
The balance sheet will get better and more airlines will join the family of THE CSERIES-
The train division continues to win major contracts and all this bad bashing from the media in Toronto and Montreal are clueless -before u print a story have the facts i say -
The margins are improving in all sectors and i look forward to the 4th quarter results in February -
i am very tempted to sell some shares with my major holding however i still see a much higher price in the future so i will continue to hold -i have set a new target 2.85
Wishing u all a wonderful day -keep the faith -enjoy the flight -
Go Bomber Go