re:Canyousay,"You go and tell the shareholders of reputable .....established companies...."
...I can gather from that you do not see Mr. Crossland and his BOD as reputable. To each his own. I'll continue with my full support for this CEO and his BOD, and their growing and developing of a sound business plan.
...I agree that TMG is not fully established. Thank goodness, or I would be out of it very fast if 0.10-0.12 is fully established. Sorry,you would not have acted fast enough.
....I would suggest,as many times before, that you bone up on your P&P to understand where the companies are at and how they spend their money. This ,however, could possibly produce a surprise, which I agree would be nice. That said,however, you should also bone up on what your CEO's business plan entails when it comes to megaprojects and his reasoning. By the way, the latter is significant to myself as an investor in TMG. Simply put, he has the ability to convey information and correctly.