no money for you dummies...LOLthat is what I laugn about most. You losers have lost every single penny, hilarious...LOL
You played mr investor big shot... but since you are so dumb, you lost all the money...LOL
now, did ya have the nutz to tell your family you lost all the money? My bet is you cowas are hidinit from them.... you never told your family you lost all the money did ya? LOL
you idiots are so funny, you do something really stupid, lose the moeny, hide it as long as they don't check...LOL
this is somuch fun.. you losers are so dumb.... and you lost all the money, that is mega funny.... you lost every single penny,., that is so hilarious.... this makes me happy, makes me laugh, makes my day...LOL
so I laugh at you fools, daily, reading thru your stupid posts, thinking you will get money back...LOL
while you dummies lost all our money on TBE,.... I made a fortune on NWX stock, a fortune, money you never see in your sorry loser life...LOL
NWX has moved up big.... over a triple in under a year... hell way, way up ,long term... a hundred bagger for me! think about making a hundred times what you paid.... makes your head spin huh? well I have had 30 baggers... 20 baggers, ten baggers... and this time i went big time score with NWX!
I told you clowns about it. In fact one of you dummies, called petroexplorer did his dd on NWX.... he hated it, insisted it would be facing a big drop in earnings...... that was just days before they announced a whoppin 50% increase in net income for the last QTR! the idiot is so dumb.... he decided TBE was a better buy then NWX.... he did his dd....LOL one went to zero, TBE...the other tripled in a year, NWX.... he picked the one that went to zero...LOL
and ya wonder why I laugh at you fools...LOL it is cause you are so bloody stupid...LOL