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Roxgold Inc. T.ROXG

Roxgold Inc is a Canadian gold mining company. It is engaged in acquiring and exploring mineral properties. The company has two reportable segments; Mining operations and Exploration and evaluation of mineral properties, located in Burkina Faso. Its key asset is the Yaramoko Gold Mine, located in the Hounde greenstone belt of Burkina Faso, West Africa, and Seguela Gold Project located in Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa. The company's primary income is derived from the sale of gold.

TSX:ROXG - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by STOCKRUSon Jan 19, 2017 1:59pm
Post# 25729407

RE:Good News

RE:Good News " .. a number of key performance and financial metrics including reserve grade reconciliation, plant throughput, metal recoveries and operating costs. As a result of passing the completion test, the $15-million (U.S.) cost overrun facility required under the initial facility has been released."

All in all a very good report and solid financial support !

Burkin Faso is the plce to mine for gold as Endeavor & Roxgold have proven.

Upcoming jr Nexus Gold NXS.V is on tear with its high grade sample of over 2000 g/t at Niangoulea Bukian Faso.

With gold at $1200 and possibily higher in 2017 gold stocks should shine.

Bullboard Posts