LOLA Graphite 43-101SAMA LOLA GRAPHITE 43-101 - Click HERE The occurrence has been discovered by the BUMIFOM (Bureau Minier de la France
Outremer) during the construction of the Conakry-Lola road in 1951. Following the
independence of Guinea in 1959, the project was abandoned and subsequently forgotten
until Sama Resources “re-discovered” the occurrence in 2012.
The graphite rich paragneiss is present at surface over 8.7 kilometers with an average width of 300m and up to 1,000m wide. The first 20m or so of the deposit is well weathered
(lateralized) freeing graphite flakes from the silicate gangue and allowing for an easy
grinding with an optimal recovery of large and jumbo flakes. Graphite mineralisation
continues at depth within the non-weathered paragneiss.
Graphite mineralization is well exposed at surface on its entire strike length with sample
grades ranging from trace to up to 20% of large flakes and often seen in higher concentration