RE:RE:Year End 2017 Price Predictions?? Predicting the price points before 2018 is the golden question. Any of the bigger names; ACB, CGC, APH, SL, EMC, CMED...they will all be in or close to the double digits by 2019/20. That's the crazy part,that even if you bought in at a higher than normal price point, you will still be in the green if you just have patience and hold.
As for that golden question:
April will be the deciding factor as the Trudeau governrment is to pass [legislation] on cannabis in that next parliament session. It is mainly believed that recreation and [legalization] of the plant will be Jan 1 2018, with sales beginning January the following year. They base this off of examples in the US cities like Washington and Colorado; where legalization and actual legal sales were at least a year apart from each other.
So heres the "what if" that comes to mind...
What if, Trudeau comes out in springs parliament and says not only will it be legal in 2018, it will be fully operational at that time as well. The liberal government has lost some ground in popularity due to issues that are policitics, and not stock related, so i'll leave out.
But..They need results. They have trippled their budget of what was already an aggressive spending campaign. The liberal government would love to have the tax revenue of cannabis for not just 2019 but 2018 as well, giving their budgets fatter looks come election time.
Its been a major campaign promise, as well as a potential major influx of tax revenue for all governments.
Now take this with a grain of sand; it's just an opinion. But when you think about it, it would make a lot more sense to come out emphatically with legaliation AND sales, oppose to waiting a year. These companies are ready. Health Canada has spent years vetting them. Canadians are open to the fact of legal cannabis. The medical possibilities are Endless to what the different cannabinoids in cannabis can do for the human body.
That then gives an incentive to pick your choices now, in anticipation that it will be legal before the timeline that is currently painted in peoples expectations. If that would to happen, prices would sky rocket as the flood gates will have been opened.
But at the end of the day, thats a quess and a hope...Time will tell. But its a risk-reward that I'm more than comfortable with.