RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Harpoon ResponseGreenday, as a Nexgen shareholder myself, I am more than happy with their reporting methology and the explanation given regarding the delay of the Harpoon assays. They will be made public when they come in from the lab, simple as that, there's reall no reason to get all worked up about it. It's funny that you have a problem with this as an FCU shareholder. Do you even own a share of NXE? As a Fission shareholder, you should really get more focused on the billions of gallons of water on top of the PLS Deposit. When will we see a pre-feasibility study out of the FCU crew? This to me would seem like a more constructive use of your time and efforts.
Greenday wrote: Dman34 - To your point, the BNN discussion centered around a discrepancy between NXE's methology of reporting scints and gamma probing and the methology used by DML and CCO. In the interview Leigh denied that there is a difference and attributed the delay in reporting assays due to their high grade. Since Harpoon's assays are the only ones pending, it stands to reason that they were the ones being discussed.
Now Profittaker1 has posted that Travis is attributing the delay to Christmas. Perhaps everything is ok - I'm not in a postion to know - but surely you can see that there's a discrepancy between what's being reported and the delay in assays that may or may not have influenced the winter drill program.