RE:DD Incorrect. Funny that with a subject line as DD youre cleary not very proficient at it. Jim himself informed me that they will have a "significant presence with our partner in Europe at the BETT conference Jan 25-28."
The only EXO partner that I can find at BETT is Genee World.
IF Ormiboard brand is not itself present are you aware that tech frequently is licensed and rebranded to be packaged with other retailers software offreings?
Im going to go out on a limb and assume the CEO of the EXO is better informed to their partners than you are sir. Tisk Tisk. Up your DD game.
Wiggum99 wrote: Okay let's get something straight, genee world is at bett trade show. . But, they have nothing to do with ormiboard anymore, they dont have it listed anywhere on their website, in their catalogue, or anywhere else on earth. Genee world has their own products that they promote, not a third party app that they might make a few bucks on. . So stop saying exo is busy at a trade show - they're not there! My bet is they have a 9 hole mini golf course setup in the office and they're putting away waiting for spring when the sales happen. No schools are buying new software in January, so if you're not in it for the long haul sell now. . The rewards of this stock won't be apparent until the summer or fall of this year. Rant over.