RE:RE:Sudden uptick in bid size to 191K in last few minutesSaw this on KITCO regarding uptick in Ag today
Silver is The Goldilocks of Metals
Via Soren K and MarketSlant. As more and more applications are found for Silver, its industrial use will bolster and complement its status as a precious metal. We're Silver Bulls relative to Gold for this reason.
Once upon a time, technology was the silver-killer through film elimination. Now technology is finding increasing applications for Silver. At this rate, we may yet see the 16 to 1 ratio for reasons not yet championed.
Self-heating windows have existed for decades. However, they’ve have always relied on near-invisible wires that can be a distraction when revealed by oncoming headlights. So instead of wires, the laminated glass used in Volkswagen’s new windshields includes an ultra-thin invisible layer of silver connected to the vehicle’s electrical system so that it heats up and melts away ice.- Gizmodo
When film died, we saw many other potential applications in technology and medicine. But the cost was just too high. Batteries for electrical cars were one. Chlorine replacement in pools another. Colloidal Silver suspensions for various ailments a third. Microwave blocking was another. None happened on a large scale for various reasons. But now it is starting to happen in heating elements. This is no aberration. It's the beginning of an application trend.
Despite being better than copper in many conductive applications, the price of silver was too high for heating elements. And so copper was used. Technology finally devised more efficient use of Silver in windshield heating to replace copper filament and decrease glare. And that means more silver will be used. And that, in turn means more similar applications will be researched.