Iron Ore
Question for Lukasdupola, is there a way you can IGNORE someone on one board but keep them active on another? Just asking because you sat here on the FEO board and just told everyone you had me set to "IGNORE" but you are still seeing my posts and responding to me with your petulant comments on the RYR board? Get it together man, if you're going to lie and least be thorough with your lies.
Also one other question, where do you find the time to manage all of your multiple stockhouse accounts? How also do you remember what you said with which account and on what board? You're spinning an awfully tangled web there and you continue to get but in the azz with your lies. Just some advice, you should probably only have like 10 accounts max, that way you can keep better track of your lies. DO you know how many times we've caught you saying something as Lukasdupola and then responding back with another of your accounts and you don't even realize it. You really need help!!! Where do you find the time to do all of this? Do you even have a job? Amazing!