RE:Investment banks IMO... wait for it.. they don't want us to know about the supply shock that will appear within the next 36 months... what I learned over the past year is when ALL the news is super bearish.. things seem to change very quickly in the opposite direction.. look at copper and copper stocks for an example. Broken record here.. lack of investment over the past few years including this year will disrupt supply be end of decade. US can't produce enough to balance rising demand... OPEC spare Capacity is at its lowest in a long time.... .US peaked at almost 1800 rigs I believe it was and they got to what 9.6 mbpd.. Russia is pumping at its highest levels ever but at same time depleting their gravy wells and actually damaging the Wells in a way future production will be much more costly... Today things are very volatile.. IMO within 4-5 years we are going to see an massive spike in oil prices.. Great for investors who got I'm at these price points and can sell at the highs and use the profits to counteract the massive price increase in all goods... There Just Confussed opinion although most won't read this during to my name.. disclaimer.. I have been working the oil industry since 1999... But only heavily investing since last February...