By the numbers75% met coal. 25% 13,000kj/kg. 12 foot seam. 4.5 kilometers from export ship to continuous miner. Total ground foot print 200 acres.
Appalachi mt top mining by the numbers: 10% met coal, 5500kj/kg 5 foot seam, 5 to 1 strip ratio, mt top removal =taking a mountain and moving it into a valley, or total environmental destruction. Groud foot print is immense coal removal is small.
Cheap nat gas kills uneconomical 5 foot appalachia coal nothing to do with Obama. Trump can try to make it easier but the same applies to fracking rules for nat gas so coal is screwed either way.
Less thermal coal less met coal by product.
Also we are owned by a yankee. A smart yankee. Smart enough to be with Ellin Nordegren Tigerwoods ex.
Final number 30% our current yield if paid as a dividend in 2 years and counting. First production this month. Longwall consulting 2018. Mik Mak blessing, revised permitting late 2018. 2020 5 million tonnes, 2023 10 million tonnes.
Royalty life of mine. Life of mine at 10 million tonnes is 45 years.
A little birdy told me that the coal is EVEN better than they thought.