yes greenTand you spam HME here...LOL are you kiddin, you got the gaul to speak of my bullish posts, on topic, mind you, while you spam junk like HME here... JUNK... alsolutely and you are way down on it, if you were to be honest as I see when you posted on that booard... and ARW... well that was one I know very well.. promotion for suckers... I hated it and said so on that board long beofere the junk went under...
so tell us all about ARW!.... how ya made money on a stock that went to ZERO.... why you owned a stock that went to zero..LOL hiow you got suckered by simple promotion done actually right here on SH... yep they paid SH for advertising and that suckered in dummies, as you know first hand...LOL
and sure ya bought NWX twice.... I guess with different brokerages handling the trades right, since no two trades went thru the same brokerage...LOL I think, I know... you are full of it...
me thinks you are a dummie...LOL doubt you can prove me wrong..LOL