trades todayhow wonderful! Surely anyone that felt stuck in NWX could have gotten out... I mean if they only owned 30,000 shares, then they got out, right? LOL
obviously this is not for the uneducated, fearful nervous nellies. It is for those with risk tolerance and a willingness to follow the results... not worrying about one qtr when the stock has retruned such world beating returns... I mean from 3 pennies... to over 60 cents and also paying out 20 cents in 2 years! A record first half production! a better oil price, new exploration wells... obviously nothiong to dislike here... unless you were a dummie and missed it all... like some bashers... and some dummies owned TBE instead...LOL... so they missed out on a triple this year and lost every penny on TBE... and then some of the dimwits offer their advice..LOL that is some funny... thanks for your advice, I will consider it and the source...LOL... but all you know is losing all your money.. so no thank you....LOL
whaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa petroexplorer...LOL