RE:What I predict Interesting conclusion-but I think you are wong as the blueberries occur in the orebody-not quite at random but almost anywhere with a higher frequency in certain sections. The low grade stopes have fewer blueberries but not zero so I think that overall there is a high probability that every stope in production will have a definite chance of having some high grade. If you say raisins rather than blueberries then it will be like raisin bran with some bowlfulls having two scoops of raisins.
Low grade stopes will have a lower average grade but how many standard deviations from the mean grade will be the definition needed for grade control. Sampling will be interesting with the gold occurring as electrum in globs as opposed to being in linear veins. Predictability of grade for a milling heads up will still be a challenge as outlined by mining man-difficult but not impossible