So one of the biggest promoters of this stock shart his pants, dumped his shares and ran away with his tail between his legs. He got all emotional now crying his feelings got hurt by a news release. feels betrayed and wants back in.

here he is last week posting below and now he wants back in so bad he's expressing his displeasure (crying basically)

excellent article BassmanBob--thank you so much for sharing it. Mr. Bruner makes tons of sense. Deep pockets and raises are not the defining factor like what Lithium America is doing, what is is having land entitlements and permits which this company seems to be at the forefront of especially going to the existing major oil and gas producers and working things out that way. Having money and then looking for brine is going to take time for sure. Jared is many steps ahead of the rest and the curve. Like you said, I am also liking this more and more. I think that our company is actually further along then others who are trying to catch it. I am going to hold onto my shares tighter than ever. Marc feels extremely confident in our extraction process and that too by the looks of it achieving commercial scale. I don't think he would put it out there like this if he didn't think xmg will succeed or be on board for that matter. Well, people are giving shares away it will be like taking candy from a baby. It's ok because they are looking to take some money off the table which I totally get and make sure that this will succeed so I can't fault them for that. But with this being said, I will not sell cheap and still rolling the dice right now. I will have to see how things look as to whether I will sell some shares to potentially buy back on the dip or just hold providing this is finding bottom soon. Not sure yet but I definitely don't want to give shares away that's for sure. In any case, this is a tough stock to make some decisions on because taking profits looks very good to position to buy on dips but then again holding looks good because if you take profits and the shares don't drop as far down as you like to buy back then you are out those shares but you do have money on hand. Well, high risk high yield--to be ballsy or not that is the question (lol) Regardless I know I will hold at the very least half if not all my position. glta