RE:scoundrels...LOLfool ya once, shame on them... but they are trying to fool ya again...LOL
navps at $7?? LOL
they use a value of about $90K an acre for some oil sands moose pasture.... yet they sold some like leases just last year for only $30K per..???? so they inflate that value by 300%? so they sucker in dummies like shambone to own it...LOL hell shambone is in PMT at $100 a share! the dimwit is down over 98% and spent years here too... years wasted and down 98% and ya woinder how dumb some people are? LOL
for an encore, shambone is in MEG at $45 a share...LOL the fool just cannot stop owning the worst stocks cause he is the... DUMBASS from Dundas! LOL