Re Re UMB and MYM have a higher market cap than pufI am very new to investing just my 2 cents on this. I have seen very aggressive pumping for MYM on this board and being a new investor I can see how it's easy to be swayed by the intense pumping. Like I said I'm new to investing and am only here because I think that the MJ market will fly. A lot of investors in this market has gotten used to unreal overnight increases in share value, which we have all seen lately. MYM 51% in their grow facility has as much chance as PUF or any other hopeful in a simaler situation of getting their licence. And only if you work for HC Anyone guess is just that a guess. All it takes is some irregularity in a application to delay the processing, and that can happen at any point of the application process. We haven't had much news lately and that has been frustrating to a lot of PUF investors and when you get the extreme pumping going on people jump off. I'm guessing the more experienced traders are in and out with their profits before the dust settles down.
From what I ve seen I still like PUF and they are not as diluted as most of the others. Most reports on the market is that there will be a shortage MJ out the door and hopefully HC will step up its game and start issuing more licences. The market is there right now it's just making organized crime wealthy and not paying any taxes. It's a win win for the government once they've legalized it. Their just losing tax dollars right now. Just my 2 cents GLTA