GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
Post by
oilconsultanton Feb 16, 2017 11:25pm
Post# 25859264
speaking of stupid... lightscam ! LOL
speaking of stupid... lightscam ! LOLthe dummie is worried about scams... so he wraps tin foil around his head... and tin foils his windows...LOL he hides in his momma's basement where he lives...LOL
shhhhh we won't tell those bad aliens where you are lightscam... just shut the hell up or they will see your posts and zero in on you... then they take you away... maybe stick needles in your eyes... hell... sounds like something that should happen ... right? LOL
you are an idiot... and please learn to write a sentence...your posts are so poorly written, my guess is you never went to school... most likely cause of those aliens after you, huh? LOL