Nasdaq / Biopharm ArticleThe fact that these guys are getting more confident about a Nasdaq listing tells me they are that much more confident of having meaningful positive catalysts in the short / medium term. There is NO WAY these guys are taking this to the US market without one or more BD deals done and in the bank.... further good clinical results and positive FDA developments along with a successful Pg launch.
Many of us, and in particular Doug Cooper from Beacon Securities, have been beating the drum relentlessly about the huge valuation disconnect between Prometic and some of its US listed counterpart comparables. The fact is, because of Prometics incredibly diverse platform, and resutling lower risk profile, there arent many pure comps. But we have seen aquisitions and or valuation comps that make PLI look extremely undervalued. LIke 2-3-4 X undervalued.
My bet is, a move to Nasdaq with a tier one US Underwriter , along with the acompanying review and coverage from mulitiple US Health care analysts..on the strenght of a stream of positive developments..... will forever UNLOCK the valuation disconnect and rocket this stock higher..... while at the same time remove all balance sheet doubt.
This is absolutely the right way to go.... love it... cant wait