GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
Post by
oilconsultanton Feb 17, 2017 11:01am
Post# 25860990
bobbbytheknobby explains for you...LOL
bobbbytheknobby explains for you...LOLis that joker kiddin? Bobtheknoirst class idiot... and he says he is explaining stuff to us...LOL whaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa
like asking petroexplorer about oil exploration...LOL or asking burger about high finance... or... asking lightscam about well about... anything...LOL
a bunch of dummies and they post like they are gonna expalin the world economy to us...LOL
these guys can not figure out how to tie their shoes, so they wear slip ons...LOL
in lightrscam's case, his slip ons are the booties he was given to wear on ther psych ward where he lives...LOL
yes, by all mean BOBtheKnob.. explain to us how such a brilliant econmist s you lost every single penny on TBE stock..LOL yes do dome 'splainin' about how stupoid you are and why you bought TBE... you moron...LOL
Bobby only talks to petroexplorer.... they got themselves a real bromance... no doubt the first love of their lives...LOL it is puppy love!!! oh how sweet... sick and perverted but sweet in a funny sick kind of way...LOL
the only question is... did Bobtheknob get a valentines wish from petroexplorer... or did they meet for some physical coupling..LOL
oh... what we do know is petroexplorer likes the knob...LOL