Point of Bull Board (No prisioners???)
Let's keep the Bull Board for discussion about FEO not me or you or them, how childish Lukassdupoola! PM me if you have something to say to me! Why run the smear campaign on me here? And why talk yourself up 30year+ investor??? If you have something to prove enough said I already know enough about you and your mental maturity level. Grow up - think I told you that three post ago to! I'll pm you and we may take your lack of self confidence into a private one on one discussion and stop wasting others time as self confidence is built over time with successes. Maybe that could happen to lukassdupoola, if you never already knew/assume so much. example: How lapoo assumes to know so much about me and my relation with FEO. Same as he assumes he makes good investment choices? What a lukass!