GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
Post by
oilconsultanton Feb 19, 2017 4:38pm
Post# 25867783
cigarbutt is a butt head, fool...LOL
cigarbutt is a butt head, fool...LOLI had to laugh when in the end of your stupid post you say... TBE was themsleves the reason for their failure.. LOL
no kidding captain obviously a butt head...LOL
what else could it be? ummm maybe an alien intervention? maybe some unknow force did it to them?? OHHH I heard from lightscam it was a huge world wide conspiracy... the entire world worked against poor little TBE...LOL
you guys are stupid... this cigarbutt finally figured it out it was actually TBE that caused their failure... what an idiot to figure that out after the comapny failed...LOL
I was posting the issue years ago... you silly fools...
I even gave ya a gift. I told ya to buy NWX years ago too.... instead of being down 100% with your TBE.... you would be up a minimum of 300% and as much as 10000% if ya listened to me...LOL
but I expect nothing from you fools, nothing but silly nonsense posts...LOL
so how many class actions lawsuits y'all got in the plans? LOL... at least 5 from what is posted here.... too bad you are all useless dummies that cannot do anything about it...LOL
this new loser Gordon whatever.... looking up lawyers online...LOL... again a do nothing fool... he could make a call... see if any of his googled lawyers would take the case.... if they would it would be so easy to find a complainant with standing lost all your money so no doubt someone would step up... so call the lawyer yourself GORDON you fool... YOU make the call, stop trying to pawn it off on someone else you useless slug...LOL