MIF Presentation Just released last Friday on YouTube, Integra's MIF Presentation January 20, 2017.
Some of the highlights mentioned:
Last 2015 PEA, AISC came in at C$737 - US$621, with today's exchange rate that AISC would come in at C$600 - US$460. I would expect those lower numbers to hold-up in the upcoming PEA, perhaps even come in lower due to the substantial increase in long-hold stoping at Triangle, from < 40% to > 80%.
That kind of AISC would be one of the lowest cost gold mines to operate anywhere on the planet, comparative to PVG without their US$800M CAPEX (Yes that's in US$ dollars). Which sets up the NPV & IRR to exceed most all market expectations.
CAPEX expectations again was stated to be under C$100M. Have to believe what reduction in CAPEX costs have already occured, with money spent on surface infrastructure & underground work (C$35M), the cost of sinking a shaft at Triangle may now also be included in next PEA.
Integra's Au discovery cost = C$10-15 per/ounce - Value given by market = C$100-125 per/ounce. Let's find another 3 - 4M more ounces (keep those drills turning).
The series of wedges within the Lamaque Deep target area would occur every 50m, with each wedge going out around 300m. This spacing would provide LD with an Inferred resource. M2, lets see if we recieve an NR on LD.within the next week or two.
LD & Triangle's production alone would generate 250,000 Au per/year for Integra.
Here's the MIL YouTube link: