I love it ....lol down abotehr 11 cents...LOLdown over 20 cents in 2 days huh?
gawd I warned ya about this dog...LOL
now comes the dreaded shoulder season... natgas demand wanes as winter winds down and no uptick until late summer.... so now the natgas price will be under pressure.... and we all know pmt is one lousy high cost producer...LOL
my gawd their costs were so high they had to pay to get rid of the largest gas production... afer having spent tens of million of dollars and years and years drilling these wells.... they decided, hell we screwed up for the last decade...LOL... we are losing money of this high cost shallow gas.... we got to give it away... and even pay to have it taken away from us...LOL that is some business plan...LOL
wow, and they did not even get into the Montney drilling where all the cheap gas actually is... they missed out on the best play in the country! talk about being fools...LOL
the only one dumber than pmt is the fools that bought their stock...LOL like shambonehead and the bird brained roadrunner fool...LOL
sorry to see you lost all your money.... no I ain't really... I laugh at you....LOL