RE:Will crude slide?
Dbutch 1976: While crude prices certainly will limit the upside, there is more to it with AC. It is consistently trading at a lower multiple than almost all major airlines. At first I thought it was the "Canadian" issue (which includes the lack of being on US investors' radars, the problem with taxes, labor unions, etc.) but I think that is only a small part of it - just look at WestJet for example (almost double the P/E of AC). I think a big (the biggest) issue is the debt plus... something. I still don't know what the dark matter "something" is and that is frustrating. Maybe its just inertia...? At any rate this sucker, er, "investor", is holding on until I find out what the dark matter is or until I make a good return on this stock. It still seems to be an awesome value to me. By the way, be careful about your hypothesis on crude: I've lost a lot of money thinking the same thing. Remember that the glut of crude that we have, has been building for years. So to suddenly think that the system is efficient and will automatically correct, is dangerous. In fact, we've worked through a significant amount of the glut and all you need is a Trumpian war or even Trumpian sabre rattling to start cranking the prices again!