Nice to see all the opinion posts that's what the bb is for. So, I add my .2cents and try to entertain you minute by minute investors.
NedStark and I are of the EXACT SAME VIEW on his last post.

My portfoliio is a sea of red JUST LIKE MOST OF YOU and I thought same as..... ItsLevel2This, I had jumped in at the right time. That same entry was exercised with my other MJ stocks which obviously tells you WE ARE NOT ALONE. Stop pinning this price level on TINLEY poor management team and every other tea leaf excuse you come up with.
"N"...."RVV"......"FFT"......"VPT"....."GEN"....."VRT" etc. etc ALL are down, no happy investors there either.
All these stocks are a game for the Shorters and they only need a couple pennies up or down to play. It's a part of the ocean we are swimming in....get it?

THANK your lucky stars for those who did NOT invest in gold silver oil OMG let me count the ways how this downward trend is straight across the board of " uncertainty". None of these stocks are holding levels and climbing. UP & DOWN for weeks!!!!!!!!!!!
Gold and silver has taken a real SH-T kicking and go to other boards the junior minor investors on this venture need a towel the tears are so big.

DON'T BASH, no knitpicking, OBVIOUSLY some see TEMPORARY green now and again, not my point............

I moneynorthbound am here for a couple years, why because the MJ industry is NOT GOING back in the hole. It's here to stay and moving forward with a force I think most of you do not understand.

When placing my money on the table ANYWHERE it is vital to examine my odds. The odds of the MJ sector making us all grossly rich ARE ALL IN OUR FAVOR but only to those that are experienced. patient and LONG. 
Expressing posts day after day of your woes, should tell you something about you as an investor. Look in the mirror, assess your techniques, what tolerane level is your number.
Nothing to do with MJ because like I said go talk to the Enbridge investors, go talk to TECK and please do not talk about diviidends because it has not covered my current loss.
Investors, do you get what I am saying folks there has been a slight correction dah if you haven't noticed than what are you doing here. 

Now we all know cash is king right now. Which is exactly why my cash will leverage me down when I think we have hit bottom and then even the slightest little bit of news I WILL SEE GREEN!!

Member wrote "up until 6 months ago most of you did not know you could invest in MJ"

ENTIRE sector will experience many 5-10x baggers the LARGEST biggest BOOM and only a few recognize the entire MJ sector is sitting on the best train BACK TO THE FUTURE!!

Damn were talking pennies per share here folks. You are all going to kick yourselves for not scooping every single share on the down dips.
Tinley will deliver, it;s a goddamn drink not a space rocket given the appropriate amount of time for a company to difficult could it be to become rich off a beverage? Send a couple cases of hempify to lawyers, to the LAW SOCIETY so that division of our world can clear their coked out heads. Everybody here who has tried it LOVES what's the problem? The baby did not stand up and walk on the day it was born, is that your problem?

Has anyone heard of the "harm reduction programs currently in place"? Tinley, Namaste, Canopy, Aphria etc, edibles, drinks, injections will all play a roll in the attempt to eliminate the fentanyl opioid crisis epidemic, just wait and see.
I said it a billion times GOLD spot WILL NOT DOUBLE. SILVER WILL NOT DOUBLE..OIL WILL NOT DOUBLE THIS YEAR but I do see a double here and multi 10x bagger in a couple years right across the MJ sector. So, if you run tell me where is the place for money to grow RIGHT NOW?

So, for the wickedly smart who have posted positve posts we know who we are and we will still be here 2018. As for the negative posts I offer a free personal diagnoisis for your despair symptoms.

Time to take a loss and cash out, you have lost your confidence in the company, you did not do your dd becaue if you did than the day to day BS results would HAVE NO PLACE, NO EFFECT ON YOUR WALLET. You have a vision, you placed your bet now let the company do their thing.
Tinley had a great year if you think otherwise than cash out and stop the day in day out BS

Please do not get me wrong I love FACTS no pump/dump/bash just the facts and since there are NO FACTS to post right now everybody JUST CHILL.......

If you do not leverage down at these low prices REMEMBER you see RED MUCH LONGER.
So get busy and scoop what you can or sell to me. 
Please do not ask me when I see the bottom for I have no crystal ball but my finger is on "buy" button.

Now that I gave my worthless .2cents and I am sorry it was long, IMO hopefully you are all feeling a little better having a much larger vision as to where you put your money, why you are here and not concentrate on the minute by minute activity. 
I truly thought this was going to .17 cents so if it holds here I am thrilled!!!